Meet Michelle

Michelle's super power:
Faith. Doubt kills more DREAMS than failure ever will. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail. Ask, Believe, Receive.
Michelle was born in Frankfort, Kentucky and has lived in Wilson County, Tennessee since 1997. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy. She lived in 7 different states before claiming Tennessee as her home.
She is the owner of Empowering Therapy Services, Inc., a professional therapy company providing occupational and physical therapy services to Smith County School System and Lebanon Special School District (Tennessee). She also leads inservices on therapy-related topics including Sensory Integration and Intervention, Childhood Developmental Milestones, Behavior Management, Fine Motor Skills and Strategies for Success, and Personalities and Team Building to parent groups, school systems, businesses, and university programs.
In 1999, Michelle volunteered to be the Director of the West Wilson Basketball Association Shooting Stars League, a basketball league for children with disabilities. Later that year, she founded Empower Me Day Camp, now known as Empower Me Center, a nonprofit corporation for children with special needs and currently serves as Chief Executive Officer.
Michelle was previously chosen as one of The Tennessean's "Top 40 Under 40" who make a difference in Middle Tennessee Communities. She was a 2002 graduate of Leadership Wilson and was presented in 2011 with the Commitment to Leadership Award. Michelle was also named by The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International as a "Paul Harris Fellow". She was also a 2018 graduate of Leadership Middle Tennessee.
Michelle is the author of “Open This Only If”, a book detailing the two years following the death of her husband in 2011 and the journey she has traveled with her two amazing children, John Reed and Rylee Day. She also has another wonderful daughter, Christine and son-in-law Brian, and enjoys seeing smiles on her grandbabies faces.